Delivery & Returns
In-Store Purchases
If you have purchased your product in-store you may return it for a full refund within 14 days from delivery/collection, providing the item is still in its original, unopened packaging and is unused/undamaged. Items which have been used or returns made after the 14-day time period will not be accepted or eligible for a refund.
On-line Purchases
If you have purchased from our online store you will be able to return your goods up to 28 days from delivery. Any return requests must be made known to Craigmore within 14 days from when you received your order, after which you will have a further 14 days to make your return. Please note that returns will only be accepted providing the item is still in its original, unopened packaging and is unused/undamaged. Return requests made after 14 days from delivery and items not received within 14 days thereafter, will not be accepted or eligible for a refund.
Returns Procedure
To return any item it is important that you first let us know by emailing us at When returning items, please ensure that the goods are returned, wherever possible, in their original packaging with a copy of the invoice enclosed. It is the customer's responsibility to return any unwanted purchases at their own expense. Craigmore will take no responsibility for the return of the item and strongly recommend that goods are sent via recorded delivery and insured to the value of the full value of the item in case of loss or damage.
Returns Address
Returns at Craigmore Online, 1 Diviny Drive, Carn Industrial Estate, Craigavon, BT63 5WE, Northern Ireland
In-store customers have 14 days to return their purchase in order to receive a refund. For online customers, full refunds will only be offered providing that Craigmore has been notified within 14 days of receiving your delivery and the goods returned no longer than 28 days from when the item was initially received. A restock fee may be charged for some returned goods and may be deducted from the full refund amount - if a restock fee applies, Craigmore will make the customer aware before starting the returns process. Please be aware that in order to receive a full refund the product must not have been used and still in its original packaging. Any items which have been used in such a way were the product has been de-valued will not be accepted as a return and a refund will not be issued.
If your product has developed a fault, please get in touch with us immediately so that we can advise you further. Our various brands will cover different warranty periods* and we will be able to let you know exactly how much warranty is left on your product. In the event that your item needs to be returned for inspection due to a suspected fault, we will cover the return postage cost providing we have been notified within 14 days of receiving your order. After this period it is the responsibility of the customer to pay for postage charges. We recommend that items returned to us after the 14 day period should be sent by Recorded Delivery or equivalent service. Craigmore will not be held responsible for any damaged or uninsured returned items lost in transit sent by customers.
Inspected Products found to be faulty
If a genuine fault is found upon inspection, Craigmore will replace/repair under warranty and return back to the customer as soon as possible.
Inspected products found not to be faulty
Upon inspection of a returned item, if the product does not appear to have any fault, or if a fault has developed due to misuse of the item, it will be the customer's responsibility to cover all returns postage charges (both to and from Craigmore) as well as any costs involved for non-warranty repair.
*Please note that Karcher Home & Garden machines hold a worldwide warranty and therefore can be repaired/replaced by any Karcher Center after 30 days from purchase. Any faults experienced before 30 days must be returned to Craigmore. If your Home & Garden machine develops a fault after 30 days we may advise you to contact Karcher directly who will be able to assist.
In the unlikely event that you receive damaged products or an incomplete order, please email within 48 hours of receiving your order.
Re-delivery Charges
Please be aware that in some cases a re-delivery charge may be required if there has been a failed delivery attempt by our courier. If the delivery has failed because incorrect shipping details have been provided or the recipient was not present to receive the shipment, then it will be the responsibility of the customer to cover all re-delivery fees if applicable.